Supratec Membrane
New Water
HA2024 Cassette

3 Continents

5 Countries

40 Years



Global cases

We are a total solution provider with the highest skilled workforce and continuous development offering the best and most economical treatment processes and technologies to our customers.
Supratec Ultrafiltration
Membrane Technologies
Supratec Water Technologies
Your Total Membrane Solution Provider

With over 40 years of experience, Supratec Group has evolved from a manufacturer of highly efficient diffuser systems to a total solution provider in water and wastewater sector with a range of products and solutions. Our highly advanced and competitive membrane products provide the most economical and reliable solutions for municipalities and industries around the world.

Supratec Group operates in China, SE-Asia, Europe and Middle East. HMT Technologies Group has the rights for key membrane products in Americas.

"Supratec Group is a leading company focusing on R&D and manufacturing of high-tech, high quality equipment for wastewater & water applications, in particular on membrane process technology."
Corporate headquarters - China

Corporate headquarters


European manufacturing plant - Germany

European manufacturing plant


Research and development - Hungary

Research and development


With a production capacity of 5 million m² / year membranes, we are one of the largest membrane manufacturers in the world. As a subsidiary of the globally operating Supratec Group, we benefit from more than 40 years of experience and innovations in the field of water and wastewater technology.

Comprehensive Technical Support
Water & Wastewater Treatment Process

The growing demand for MBR systems in municipal wastewater treatment field is mainly due to the following advantages over conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems:

  • Higher biomass concentration;
  • Enhanced tertiary treatment achieved by ultrafiltration membranes;
  • Reliable and safe plant operation due to high process automation;
  • Complete solid removal and independence from biomass settling properties;
  • Very high treated water quality and increased disinfection due to the higher removal of bacteria and viruses;
  • Easier for effluent to be treated for reuse applications; Lower odor control costs because of smaller tanks; no clarifiers and better quality sludge.
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Contact us if you wish to find out more about Supratec Ultrafiltration (UF) Flat Sheet (FS) and Hollow Fibre (HF) Membrane commissioning services, process design solution, control design solution, and after sales services


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